Plastic contamination has arisen as one of the most pressing ecological difficulties in recent memory. Each year, more than 10 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans, out of a total of over 100 million tons that enter the environment. When these plastics break down, they become harmful microplastic particles that are so small that animals can eat them.
Bottles and bags that are thrown away are plastic waste, which we all recognize. Yet, the manufactured strands that are woven into our dresses— polyester, nylon, acrylic, and others — are similarly dangerous. Consistently, in excess of 60 million tons of plastic texture are created, a lot of which eventually tracks its way to landfills.
The use of plastics that are “biodegradable” is one promising strategy for dealing with this crisis. These plastics are made to naturally decompose into gases and water, which are then released back into the environment without causing damage that lasts for a long time.
However, the reality of biodegradable plastic, also known as “bioplastic,” does not live up to our expectations. The Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, California, led a new study that found that polylactic acid, a well-known bioplastic, does not break down in the environment nearly as quickly as was anticipated.
In coastal waters and on the seafloor, the researchers suspended fiber samples from natural fibers like cotton as well as bio- and oil-based plastics. They used a microscope to look at these individual fibers over time to see if they were breaking down. Synthetic fibers, including bioplastics like polylactic acid, did not begin to break down until 400 days after being submerged in the ocean, whereas cotton fibers did.
Tracking down their direction into the ocean
The plastic contamination that stems from clothing is an especially precarious region. Clothes are often not recycled or even recyclable, and as they wear down, tiny plastic fibers end up in the environment.

Breaking down time in days for five sorts of material presented to beachfront waters Credit: Royer and others (2023), CC BY-NC-ND
Clothing fibers can travel to our oceans through a variety of routes. Garments that are washed into the ocean, for instance, will be truly separated by wave activity or grinding with sand particles. As the garment frays as a result of this process, fibers are released.
Plastic fibers are released into the environment, some of which may end up in the ocean, just by wearing clothes. Additionally, when we wash our clothes, fibers become dislodged and are transported down our drains, where they could also end up in the ocean.
Regardless of what we do, clothing filaments will definitely track their way into the climate. Thus, it is reasonable to give serious thought to what befalls these filaments once delivered.
Why is this important?
There is evidence that polylactic acid microfibers could be harmful to jellyfish and other marine organisms. When exposed to high concentrations of these plastic fibers, the jellyfish studied altered their pulse frequency, possibly impairing their ability to hunt, evade predators, and remain oriented in the water.
Jellyfish populations and behavior may alter as a result of the marine environment’s presence of polylactic acid fibers. Changes of this nature may have far-reaching effects on marine ecosystems. Jellyfish are generally conveyed across all seas and assume an essential part in the marine food web, both as hunters and prey.
Another issue of concern is the longevity of polylactic acid fibers in the marine environment. Marine organisms are more likely to consume these fibers the longer they remain in the environment.

A compass jellyfish floating off the Welsh coast. Credit: JDScuba/Shutterstock
Bioaccumulation, where microplastics and their related synthetic substances collect across a marine food web, is then liable to happen. Research has tracked down proof of microplastic bioaccumulation across different species and microplastic types.
Combating plastic pollution
There are ways to combat plastic pollution, regardless of how it enters the environment. Biodegradable plastics are a likely choice, however, provided that they are produced using materials that are genuinely ready to separate rapidly in their regular habitat. They would lessen the time plastic materials spend in the climate.
However, proper disposal is still required for bioplastics, just as it is for conventional plastics. However, research has shown that many biodegradable products’ labels and instructions are frequently ambiguous and misleading. In a study of 9,701 people in the UK, many of them said they didn’t know what the words “degradable,” “compostable,” or “biodegradable” meant.
This could result in the improper disposal of both biodegradable and non-biodegradable plastics. It’s possible that plastic that is released into the environment will not break down into smaller pieces called microplastic instead.
Industrial composting plants with specialized equipment can break down polylactic acid. However, even in that case, not all composting procedures are capable of handling all bioplastics. The plastic must satisfy particular requirements and produce compost to a minimum standard.
As the world uses more biodegradable plastic, we really want to ensure this material’s natural impression is limited. As a result, expanding access to industrial composting and improving labeling and disposal instructions could all be beneficial.
More information: Sarah-Jeanne Royer et al, Not so biodegradable: Polylactic acid and cellulose/plastic blend textiles lack fast biodegradation in marine waters, PLOS ONE (2023). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284681