A graduate student discovered evidence that classical novae may have been misunderstood as simple while using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. At a press conference that took place during the 242nd proceedings of the American Astronomical Society in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the brand-new observations, which revealed non-thermal emission from a classical nova that was accompanied by a dwarf star, were made.
V1674 Herculis is the fastest classical nova ever observed, and it is being hosted by a white dwarf and a dwarf companion. While concentrating on V1674Her with the VLBA, Montana Williams, an alumni understudy at New Mexico Tech who is driving the examination concerning the VLBA properties of this nova, affirmed the unforeseen: emanating non-thermal emissions from it. Williams and his colleagues can learn a lot from this data about the system’s operations. The team’s findings are anything but the straightforward heat-induced explosions that were anticipated by scientists when studying classical novae.
“Traditional novae have generally been viewed as straightforward blasts, emanating for the most part nuclear power,” said Williams. ” However, recent Fermi Large Area Telescope observations indicate that this straightforward model is not entirely accurate. All things being equal, it appears they’re somewhat more muddled. We were able to get a very clear picture of one of the main problems, the non-thermal emission, by using the VLBA.”
The detection of classical novae with dwarf companions like V1674Her by very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) is uncommon. In fact, they are so uncommon that this kind of detection with resolved radio synchrotron components has only been reported once thus far. That is somewhat a result of the expected idea of traditional novae.

Researchers concentrating on the old-style Nova V1674Her have affirmed the presence of non-warm outflows. The nova, which was found in 2021, is the quickest traditional nova on record. These next to each other show the distinction in brilliance over only four days. Credit: M. Williams/New Mexico Tech, B. Saxton (NRAO/AUI/NSF)
“VLBI discoveries of novae are as of late becoming conceivable in view of upgrades to VLBI methods, most notably the responsiveness of the instruments and the rising transmission capacity, or how many frequencies we can record at a given time,” said Williams. ” Additionally, they were not thought to be suitable targets for VLBI research due to the previous theory of classical novae. Because of multi-wavelength observations that point to a more complicated scenario, we now know this is not the case.”
Because of their rarity, the team’s new observations are an important step toward understanding classical novae’s secret lives and the factors that ultimately drive their explosive behavior.

The classical nova V1674Her can be found in the constellation Hercules. Credit: IAU/Sky & Telescope
“We can determine what might be the cause of the emission and also make adjustments to the previous simple model by studying images from the VLBA and comparing them to other observations from the Very Large Array (VLA), Fermi-LAT, Nu-Star, and NASA-Swift,” Williams stated. “At this moment, we’re attempting to decide whether the non-nuclear power is coming from clusters of gas running into other bunched gas, which produces shocks, or something different.”
The classical nova is an ideal candidate for research because Fermi-LAT and Nu-Star observations have already suggested that V1674Her might be emitting non-thermal radiation. The team is now attempting to either confirm or refute those findings. It was also more interesting, or cute, as Williams puts it, because of its lightning-fast evolution and the fact that, in contrast to supernovae, the host system is not destroyed during that evolution; rather, it remains nearly unchanged after the explosion.
“Numerous galactic sources don’t adjust a lot over the course of a year or even 100 years. In any case, this nova got multiple times more brilliant in a solitary day, then blurred back to its generally expected state in pretty much 100 days,” Williams said. “Classical novae can be recurrent because the host systems stay the same. This means that we might see this one erupt or cutely explode multiple times, giving us more chances to figure out why and how it works.”
Provided by National Radio Astronomy Observatory