A number of presumptions regarding particle size and their sensitivity to shape can be used to evaluate the impact of the cohesive force of asteroid particles on microgravity. Each day, approximately hundreds of kilograms of material from space enter Earth’s atmosphere and settle down as fine dust and grains. Asteroids’ fragments make up many of the meteorites that fall to Earth from space.
Yuuya Nagaashi and an exploration group in planetology at Kobe College in Japan directed durable power estimations of shooting star pieces in another report currently distributed in Science Advances.The high mobility of asteroid surface particles discovered during space exploration was due to the smaller cohesive forces of the asteroid particles. These nearly unchanged particles provide significant information about the earliest period of the solar system’s history for astrobiologists interested in Earth’s and the solar system’s histories.

Particle cohesion force. (A) The cohesive force of meteorite fragments from Allende and Tagish Lake that were prepared with a mortar and pestle or projectile impact and tested against a smooth glass slide in ambient conditions was measured. Eq. was used to calculate the fitted curves. three in the article. B) Estimated durable power of many micrometer- and micrometer-sized Allende sections against a treated steel slide under encompassing circumstances The fact that the value of the larger fragments is roughly twice that of the glass slide in (A) may be in line with the general trend that the Hamaker constant of metals is higher than that of silica. C) A schematic representation of the cohesive-force measurements’ inferred contact states of various-sized meteorite fragments against slides (D) Comparison of the measured cohesive force of aggregates tens of micrometers in size consisting of submicrometer-sized silica spheres against a glass slide under ambient conditions and the cohesive force estimated by the relationship obtained for the micrometer-sized silica spheres based on the size distribution of the constituent spheres. The left fragment represents tens-of-micrometer-sized fragments at 1 gE; the middle fragment represents micrometer-sized fragments at 1 g Measurements are represented by a solid curve, predictions by a dashed curve, and three times the prediction by a thin dotted curve. Credit: Science is moving forward. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add3530
The fundamental forces that caused planets to form
The beginning of planet formation relies on cohesive and adhesive forces between different types of particles. These forces are crucial to comprehending planets’ evolutionary and eolian processes. Small bodies in environments of microgravity are affected by the cohesive force, which plays a fundamental role in coagulation processes. It is, for instance, the fundamental force behind particle migration caused by the pressure of gas from a spacecraft or by an impact’s acceleration of seismic waves.
Nagaashi and colleagues used the centrifugal method to produce carbonaceous chondrite fragments from Allende and Tagish Lake using a motor and pestle, resulting in samples with well-defined surface structures for direct measurements of these cohesive forces. In order to observe the underlying impact, the team took measurements under evacuated conditions or after heating them.

meteorite matrix abundance and the cohesive forces of its fragments. Measurements taken in the natural environment are indicated by open symbols and dashed error bars. This study yielded the values of meteorites from Tagish Lake and Allende; a previous study served as the basis for all other values. Because values obtained using the centrifugal method were measured between a particle and a slide, the cohesive force per contact point between particles was corrected by one-half and one-third, respectively. Particles of tens of micrometers in size were in contact with a slide at approximately three points. Values for the matrix abundance were derived from previous studies. Plots and error bars show typical values and the fitting, eq.-derived range of the cumulative number fraction from 0.25 to 0.75 for the respective measurements. The cohesive forces represented by the closed symbols and solid error bars are 3.5 times greater than the forces measured under normal conditions. The qualities are summed up in Table 1. Credit: Science is moving forward. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add3530
Specialized portrayal of shooting star parts
To concentrate on the state of shooting star parts, Nagaashi and the group utilized optical microscopy and confocal laser filtering microscopy. The results didn’t recognize strategies for discontinuity, nor did they show a tremendous distinction in durable power estimations among parts of a similar shooting star. However, the team discovered that the cohesive force of the Allende fragments was several times greater than that of the Tagish Lake fragments when they compared the two types of meteorites.

Asteroid particles have a high surface mobility and a low cohesive force. A) A comparison of the gravity and cohesive forces exerted on particles on the surfaces of 0.5 km-diameter C- and S-type asteroids Gravity is indicated by dashed lines. A cohesive force proportional to particle size is indicated by a gray solid line. The solid lines in blue and red represent three times the typical cohesive forces at each of the contact points listed. We assumed that the average cohesive forces of carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites were the typical cohesive forces for C- and S-type asteroids, respectively. The predicted range of the cohesive force for particles with averaged typical cohesive forces is represented by the filled areas. Between 0.28 and 1.5 times the average cohesive force, the cohesive force corresponding to a cumulative number fraction of 0.25 and 0.75 was found. The predicted cohesive forces are indicated by dots, taking into account the weight of the particle’s plastic deformation. B) The pressure required to overcome cohesive force and gravity The case of a cohesive force proportional to particle size is depicted by dashed curves. The case of the cohesive force derived from this study is depicted by solid curves. Credit: Science is moving forward. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add3530
Using atomic force microscopy, the researchers were able to see the intricate surface structures of meteorite fragments taken from Tagish Lake samples and demonstrated that cohesive forces are dependent on surface structures at the sub-micron scale. The cohesive force increased by three to four manifolds as a result of surface water vapor evaporation and water composition reduction when the samples were heated. This led to a process of proportionally increased surface adhesion, which demonstrated that the cohesion of meteorite fragments was dependent on the topology of their surfaces.
When a meteorite undergoes thermal alteration, its constituents typically become coarser rather than finer. Expectedly, researchers had recognized the durable power of particles on space rock surfaces in view of van der Waals forces that were corresponding to the molecule size.

Particle’s microscopic morphology. A) surface morphologies of each sort of test molecule gained by means of confocal laser scanning microscopy; and B) a one-layered profile separated from the information. The location along a line perpendicular to the line of sight is shown on the horizontal axis, and the height is shown on the vertical axis. A previous study provided the information for the Allende ground fragment and silica sand particle. Credit: Science is moving forward. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add3530
The Bond number The ratio of gravitational and cohesive forces at the contact points between the particles was the Bond number. The cohesive force was previously assumed to be proportional to particle size by scientists. However, the smaller cohesive force per fragment suggests that the particles on a small asteroidal body are mobile.
Further research was carried out by Nagaashi and the group, and they discovered values that were lower than anticipated for the pressure required to overcome the force of gravity and adhesion in relation to the mobility of particles in a small asteroidal body. The study’s theoretical estimates were supported by the fact that the asteroids Itokawa, Ryugu, and Bennu shared this evidence for mass transfer. Also, the researchers looked at asteroids’ surface appearance, or topology, to see if plastic deformation of particles could increase cohesive force.

Configuration of cohesive force measurements at lower pressures. (A) A schematic illustration of the application of centrifugal force at lower pressure Under reduced pressure, a space enclosed by a glass slide and a valved mini-vacuum chamber was used to measure the cohesive force of the particles. B) A glass slide containing particles was heated by bringing it into contact with a hot plate. (C) Images of Allende fragments taken under an optical microscope after being heated to 250 °C and evacuated to a pressure of 10 3 Pa for 48 hours on a slide, both before and after applying centrifugal accelerations of 10, 1020, and 103 gE. The scale bar is 100 m. D) Optical microscope image acquisition configuration The glass slide was adjusted with micrometers so that identical images could be taken. Particles that were attached to the inner surface of the glass slide were imaged using an LED ring. Credit: Science is moving forward. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add3530
In this manner, Yuuya Nagaashi and colleagues investigated and characterized the cohesive forces—also known as adhesion forces—that are present in meteorites or asteroids’ particles. Meteorites and telescopic examinations of asteroids provide evidence that can be used to construct a general model of the formation of the solar system. Understanding the forces of cohesion and adhesion that caused grains to clump together in a dusty layer to accumulate solid matter in large planetesimals is the focus of the research presented here. These bodies eventually grew quickly enough to become young planets.
The surviving members of the early proto-planetary and planetary embryo population in the inner solar system are represented by the primary asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The cohesive and adhesive forces that led to the formation of the solar system can be precisely measured using meteorites that come from this population of asteroid belts.
More information: Yuuya Nagaashi et al, High mobility of asteroid particles revealed by measured cohesive force of meteorite fragments, Science Advances (2023). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add3530
D. S. Lauretta et al, Spacecraft sample collection and subsurface excavation of asteroid (101955) Bennu, Science (2022). DOI: 10.1126/science.abm1018