In the American animated film “Pacific Rim,” goliath robots called “Jaegers” battle against obscure beasts to save humankind. These robots are outfitted with counterfeit muscles that mirror genuine living bodies and rout beasts with power and speed. Research is being led on outfitting genuine robots with counterfeit muscles like the ones shown in the film. In any case, the strong strength and fast speed of fake muscles can’t be realized since the mechanical strength (power) and conductivity (speed) of polymer electrolyte — the key materials driving the actuator — have clashing qualities.
A POSTECH research group driven by Professor Moon Jeong Park, Professor Chang Yun Son, and Research Professor Rui-Yang Wang from the Department of Chemistry has fostered another idea of polymer electrolyte with various utilitarian gatherings situated a ways off of 2. This polymer electrolyte is equipped for both ionic and hydrogen holding connections, subsequently opening the chance of settling these logical inconsistencies. The discoveries from this study have been published as of late in Advanced Materials.

Fake muscles are utilized to make robots move their appendages normally, as people can. To drive these fake muscles, an actuator that displays mechanical change under low voltage conditions is required. Be that as it may, because of the idea of the polymer electrolyte utilized in the actuator, strength and speed couldn’t be accomplished at the same time on the grounds that rising muscle strength dials back the exchanging speed and speeding up lessens the strength.
To overcome the restrictions introduced up to this point, the exploration presented the inventive idea of a bifunctional polymer. A superionic polymer electrolyte with both high ionic conductivity and mechanical strength was achieved by framing a one-layered particle channel a few nanometers wide inside the polymer framework, which is hard as glass.

The discoveries from this study can possibly lead to developments in delicate advanced mechanics and wearable innovation as they can be applied to the improvement of an exceptional counterfeit muscle that interfaces a convenient battery (1.5 V), creates quick exchange of a few milliseconds (thousandths of a second), and extraordinary strength. Moreover, these outcomes are supposed to be applied to cutting-edge all-strong state electrochemical gadgets and profoundly stable lithium metal batteries.
More information: Rui‐Yang Wang et al, Superionic Bifunctional Polymer Electrolytes for Solid‐State Energy Storage and Conversion, Advanced Materials (2022). DOI: 10.1002/adma.202203413
Journal information: Advanced Materials