Added substance producing (AM) utilizing two-photon polymerization lithography (TPP) has expanded in use in industry and exploration. Presently, a significant imperative of TPP overall and explicitly of the material IP-Q (Nanoscribe GmbH, Germany) is the clients’ restricted admittance to information about material properties. Because of the idea of the cycle, the flexible properties specifically depend on the material used as well as on structure size, interaction, and creation boundaries. For instance, before research as of late was distributed in the Journal of Optical Microsystems, no level of change (DC) and Young’s modulus (E) values for IP-Q had been accounted for.
Because of the idea of the cycle, the flexible properties specifically depend on the used material as well as on structure size, process boundaries, and lid system. A typical methodology utilizes a mix of Raman spectroscopy and nanoindentation to portray the DC of monomer to polymer, quantifiable through Raman spectroscopy, which can then be connected with the mechanical way of behaving of the material, quantifiable by means of nanoindentation.
Continuous exploration of acoustic metagratings and metamaterials created on MEMS would profit from improved flexible boundaries to give movability of the acoustic way of behaving as they influence the trademark acoustic impedance straightforwardly. AM envelops processes with which items can be made three-correspondingly from a specialized drawing. The information is shipped off to an AM framework, which then plays out the creation. The AM through TPP depends on the specific relieving of a fluid forerunner to make strong designs inside a drop of monomer. Subsequently, the extra fluid is washed away. Notable TPP applications are optical sub-micron structures, where the photoresist IP-Dip (Nanoscribe GmbH, Germany) is usually used. The more recently evolved photoresist IP-Q was planned by a similar manufacturer for bigger applications, for example mounts, molds, and primary metamaterials. In boundary clears, test structures from both photoresists were created.This permits the examination of cycle boundaries for the subsequent qualities. Raman spectroscopy was utilized, which is a non-contact examination strategy for material portrayal where monochromatic light is dispersed off the material.
“As a result, providing a method for optimizing elastic properties of TPP-fabricated structures will be useful for a variety of ongoing research areas. Characterization of the elastic properties of acoustic met gratings and metamaterials manufactured on MEMS is a viable application for this technology. These gadgets can thus be usefully implemented in life science, mobility, and industrial applications.”
Severin Schweiger of Fraunhofer Institute of Photonic Microsystems and Brandenburg
The reflection includes the light frequency as well as Raman dispersion. The trademark pinnacles of the Raman dispersing range can be utilized for the ID of compound substances. In our work, it was utilized to decide the proportion of monomer to polymer—or DC—in the TPP tests.

a dispersed plot of the Young’s modulus of 92 possible IP-Dip-based cuboids in comparison to their corresponding DC value, including a run line with = (9.52 DC-0.56) GPa addressing fitted data of interest from Bauer et al. (a) and a dispersed plot of the worth of 68 possible IP-Q-based cuboids (b) in comparison to their corresponding DC.The space estimations of the IP-Q and IP-Dip tests have an overall standard deviation found at the middle value of 2.5% and 3.7%, separately.
Miniature and nanoindentation were utilized to test the mechanical properties of the examples. A hard tip whose mechanical properties are known is squeezed into an example whose properties are obscure. From the slant of the heap versus the removal bend, E values were figured.
At last, boundary scopes of cuboid example structures created utilizing TPP were examined across the boundaries of laser power and sweep speed to track down subordinate properties. The utilized photoresists were analyzed utilizing Raman spectroscopy to track down the DC of monomer to polymer, and hence miniature or nanoindentation was utilized to track down E.
For IP-Dip, the achieved DC and E went from 20 to 45% and 1 to 2.1 GPa, separately. The outcomes were contrasted with those tracked down in the reports. For IP-Q, the achieved DC and E went from 53 to 80% and 0.5 to 1.3 GPa, separately. The described properties of IP-Q manifest as the present status of information on the material.
This implies that offering a way to deal with improving the flexible boundaries of TPP-created designs will be useful for different continuous examination themes. A promising application for this strategy is the portrayal of the flexible boundaries of acoustic met gratings and metamaterials created on MEMS. These gadgets can hence be executed valuably in life science, portability, and modern applications, “said Severin Schweiger of Fraunhofer Institute of Photonic Microsystems and Brandenburg University of Technology in Germany.
More information: Severin Schweiger et al, Characterization of two-photon-polymerization lithography structures via Raman spectroscopy and nanoindentation, Journal of Optical Microsystems (2022). DOI: 10.1117/1.JOM.2.3.033501