
PMLSM driving system adaptive model predictive current control

Because of its high effectiveness, quick transient reaction, and high push thickness, the extremely durable magnet direct coordinated engine (PMLSM) has become more common in high-end manufacturing hardware.

Various high-level control techniques, including dynamic unsettling influence dismissal control, model-based prescient control (MPC), and two levels of opportunity current control, have been created for an elite presentation of PMLSM drives. First applied in the space of the cycle business, MPC has become one of the most sizzling points for engine drive control as of now. MPCs conveyed in energy transformation frameworks include limited control set MPC (FCS-MPC) and constant control set MPC (CCS-MPC).

In a review published in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Prof. Wang Fengxiang’s group from the Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter of the Chinese Academy of Sciences proposed a versatile model prescient flow control (AM-MPCC) to take care of the boundary reliance issue of CCS-MPC-based momentum control (CCS-MPCC).

Furnished with a modulator, CCS-MPC produces a steady exchanging recurrence and has a lower current wave than FCS-MPC. Since the internet-based mathematical enhancement calculations are, for the most part, extremely confounded, the estimation trouble increments altogether when the info factors of CCS-MPC are advanced on the web.

The scientists proposed the CCS-MPCs without the necessity of online computation to diminish the trouble of regulator execution. They portrayed the CCS-MPC arrangement as an unequivocal capability of the framework state by taking care of the advancement issue. While the CCS-MPC approach gets a little current wave, low computational expense, and quick transient reaction, it is defenseless against unavoidable boundary varieties in genuine applications.

Furthermore, they proposed a powerful current-control conspire by presenting the steepest drop strategy based on a versatile unsettling influence onlooker. In spite of the fact that it is widely utilized for its natural design and straightforward execution, the Luenberger onlooker can’t definitively notice the framework state assuming the boundary shifts quickly. By the by, in sliding mode, spectators conveyed in computerized regulators produce a serious jabbering commotion.

Profiting from the remunerated prescient model, DO-MPC enjoys an upper hand over traditional CCS-MPC in strength against boundary bungles and outside bother. Be that as it may, the transmission capacity of the DO-MPC regulator can’t be insusceptible to inductance varieties. Tests have been done on a Zynq-based equipment model, and the outcomes have confirmed that the proposed strategy is better than CCS-MPCC and DPCC+ASCDO in the vigor against boundary bungles.

Moreover, the scientists assessed the proposed AM-MPCC on a Zynq-based equipment model. They used the proposed AM-MPCC procedure to substitute CCS-MPCC to acquire better boundary power, gave the Id, Iq, Vdc, and Vqc to the coefficient analyzer to produce d and q, and took care of the enhanced d and q in DSMDO to assess the boundary jumbles fd and fq.

More information: Fengxiang Wang et al, Adaptive Model Predictive Current Control for PMLSM Drive System, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2022). DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2022.3179550

Topic : Article